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  • Issabel + Call Center + Vtiger CRM 5.2.1

Hello all,

i'm trying to implement Issabel + Call Center + Vtiger CRM 5.2.1
I created agents, campaigns, etc.. all seem to work fine (i have only outgoing calls for the moment).
The agent fills the form, the form is saved in a .csv file..
Now, i want to add Vriger CRM to my setup.. i suppose this is done by logging in the agent to Vtiger and use external urls..

can anyone help me ?


    vtiger 5.2.1 is deprecated, install vtiger 7.x.x in vtiger wiki is process.

    will this version work fine with issabel 4 and the included call center ?

      Yes, is asterisk 11. a good configuration the vtiger and asterisk to issabelpbx.

        is there any way to synchronize issabel users with vtiger 7.xx.xx ?

          Your connector vtiger to asterisk. you read wiki in vtiger.

            PAOK1926 What do yo did? Can you provide any advice or documentation about that?

              PAOK1926 Please, is for all process install vtiger7 in issabelpbx. for future users. thanks.

                2 months later

                PAOK1926 can you tell me how you do it? And which features now you have in vtiger? Did you buy any addons to vtiger?

                PAOK1926 I had a problem, Vtiger 5 is working perfectly, but there is a problem, it is not possible to import any .csv files, could you do that?

                  2 months later

                  dickson Thanks! Your blog is awesome :) Have you connect vTiger 7 with Issabel? Can you show me how?

                    dickson muy suficiente he instalaba Vtiger con tu ayuda fui facil, solo falta como configurarlo con issabel ?

                      Sorry. I did not integrate asterisk with VTIGER using SIP. I used asterisk dialplan SQL commands to connect Vtiger.


                      exten => s,3,MYSQL(Query resultid ${connid} SELECT ticketid FROM vtiger_troubletickets WHERE ticket_no = ${ticketnumber})

                      Some more details on that type of integration:

                        7 months later

                        when I create a user from vtiger with the admin this does not let enter indicate username and password error

                          wmurillo Hola cuentas con 3 hilos del mismo tema. Por favor uno solo y alguien te ayuda.

                            Como asi no entiendo Hilo?