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  • Recording missing in call Recordings

Hi i have a Issabel 2.5 (migrate from Elastix) when i go to PBX -> Call Recordings the registers is there, but the option to Listen or Download isn't, in the place i get the error "recording is missing" (image to explain my problem but if i got to directory /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/ all recordings are there. How i know if the recordings are the same of the register i put my mouse over the message and this show me the route of recording and the ID

Hola tengo un Issabel 2.5 (migrado de Elastix) cuando voy a PBX -> Call Recordings el registro de llamadas esta ahi, pero la opción de escuchar o descargar no esta, en su lugar esta el error "recording is missing" ( Aquí una imagen que explica mi problema pero si voy al directorio /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/ todas las grabaciones están ahi. Como se que las grabaciones están ahi ? por que pongo el puntero de mi mouse sobre el mensaje y este me muestra la ruta donde se encuentra y el ID

Espero su valiosa ayuda/ I wait for u help


    jfestradaa Hola, de que manera migraste las grabaciones? si ejecutas 'ls /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/*' estan los archivos?


      Si las grabaciones están, si observas esta imagen al poner el puntero del mouse sobre el error me muestra la ruta al ir a verificar el directorio /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/ allí se muestran las grabaciones, pero no se muestran en la interfaz web

        4 days later

        Cómo está el tema de owner y permisos de tus archivos?


          ls -lh
          total 56K
          drwxrwxr-x 2 asterisk asterisk 4,0K nov 26 2016 dictate
          drwxrw-r-- 2 asterisk asterisk 4,0K ago 25 2015 fax
          drwxrwxr-x 2 asterisk asterisk 4,0K nov 26 2016 meetme
          drwxrwxr-x 3 asterisk asterisk 4,0K jul 26 16:26 monitor
          drwxrwxr-x 2 asterisk asterisk 4,0K ago 1 10:09 outgoing
          drwxrwxr-x 2 asterisk asterisk 4,0K nov 26 2016 system
          drwxrwxr-x 2 asterisk asterisk 4,0K ago 1 10:09 tmp
          drwxrwxr-x 4 asterisk asterisk 4,0K nov 26 2016 voicemail


          [root@aaa-voip 01]# ls -lh
          total 49M
          -rw-rw---- 1 asterisk asterisk 44 ago 1 07:21 exten-4099-4200-20170801-072115-1501590075.26207.wav
          -rw-rw---- 1 asterisk asterisk 1,4M ago 1 07:37 exten-4106-4200-20170801-073602-1501590962.26253.wav
          -rw-rw---- 1 asterisk asterisk 2,7M ago 1 09:57 exten-4106-4209-20170801-095449-1501599289.27139.wav
          -rw-rw---- 1 asterisk asterisk 528K ago 1 09:59 exten-4108-4212-20170801-095842-1501599522.27177.wav
          -rw-rw---- 1 asterisk asterisk 44 ago 1 09:26 exten-4200-4007-20170801-092615-1501597575.26907.wav
          -rw-rw---- 1 asterisk asterisk 44 ago 1 10:10 exten-4200-4400-20170801-101010-1501600210.27293.wav

            i find the problem

            in the directory /var/www/html/modules/monitoring/libs y edit paloSantoMonitoring.class.php

            search for "private function _rutaAbsolutaGrabacion($file)"
            and change:

            $basedir = DEFAULT_ASTERISK_RECORDING_BASEDIR.'/';


            $basedir = '/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/';

            and now looks like:

            private function _rutaAbsolutaGrabacion($file)
            $basedir = '/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/';

            Restart http server and the recordings working good in the web admin ;)

            25 days later

            i have a little bit different problem the rest of issue is the same.
            i have some recording missing and some present in GUI. But all of the recordings are present in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/

            Images :
            Images :

            This Solution did not fixed my problem :(

            Please Help !

            @tbagwell Bro i have only queues and recording are saving at the extension end and at the inbound route.
            I have all the call records listed in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor directory but at GUI call recording reporting some are present and some are missing as in Picture. It was working fine a month ago but now i don't know what happened. My version is Elastix 2.5.0

            Images :
            Images :
            Images :
            Images :
            Images :

            a year later

            I know this is a old thread, but anybody has a solution?

              Hello Brother...
              I had this problem too.
              and i fix it with:
              going to /var/www/html/modules/monitoring/libs backup and edit paloSantoMonitoring.class.php

              $basedir = DEFAULT_ASTERISK_RECORDING_BASEDIR.'/';


              $basedir = '/rec/monitor/';

              '/rec/monitor/' IS YOUR RECORDING PLACE.

              and also In other versions like issabel you have to see the file:

              /var/www/html/modules/monitoring/configs/default.conf.php and change:

              $arrConfModule['records_dir'] = '/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/';


              $arrConfModule['records_dir'] = '/rec/monitor/';

              GOOD LUCK

                I been tried that solution, but didn't work too. I have two issabel , same version one have this issue and the other one not.

                  16 days later

                  Hi @mnaveda
                  check paloSantoMonitoring.class.php on both issabel and see if there is a change in the code.

                    13 days later

                    it seems,when you check Calls Recording report, some records show as " Recording Missing" and when you put the cursor over this message shows the full path of the record and if you check the file into the path, there is this file. But in the UI just shows " Recording Missing" . Looking into the releated php files and cdr database" field : recordingfile", some calls has the full path (out and in calls) and others just record name (queue calls), the queue calls are just the records files to listend and download into the "Calls Recording report" . Is there other file or code to check? (ssabelPBX 2.11.0 46)

                      5 months later

                      Hello Guys,

                      I have another problem.

                      My Issabel PABX When I try search the call recording dont't show anyone calls, so if I go in the path /var/spool/asterisk/monitor I have the calls.

                      Let me send the print Screen.

                        Check that the recording is complete and that you can download it manually and listen, if not, it will show the recording as a corrupt file. Something similar happened to me when I sent the recordings to another album in another location, they were recorded with errors and they were listed but could not be heard

                        OK i solved this way by another conversation

                        i change all route ex. /issabel_data/monitoreo/

                        define ('DEFAULT_ASTERISK_RECORDING_BASEDIR', '/issabel-data/monitoreo/');

                        $basedir = DEFAULT_ASTERISK_RECORDING_BASEDIR.'/';
                        $basedir = '/issabel-data/monitoreo/';

                        #service httpd restart

                        all ok

                          19 days later

                          Hello everyone,

                          I am new to this forum and i have a different problem with call recordings.
                          Sometimes in Call recordings i got the error "Recording Missing" but the difference is that when i place the cursor over the link its shows up only the ".wav" without the filename.
                          I also checked in the "/var/spool/asterisk/monitor" but the recording isn't there.
                          The problem solved for a little time if i restart the server but it shows up again randomly.
                          I also try a fresh installation of issabel and i have the same issue.
                          Thanks for your time.


                            2 months later

                            Had the same problem and resolved it by placing in /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ from fresh install - it was missing somehow in my case.

                            Here is full modules for issabel asterisk 11.25.3

                              8 months later
                              8 months later

                              It worked for me! Thanks for your contributions.

                              Make sure to type the exact path where your recordings are storage now.

                              We mounted to a recording server and it worked perfectly fine after route:

                              $basedir = '/mnt/nfsshare/TELX/';

                              then run from console

                              service httpd restart


                              Even the old recordings that were showing as MISSING RECORDING are available after that.

                                2 months later

                                Hi Guys,

                                My Calls Recordings shows that ' No records match in this filter creiteria'. But CDR has records. Calls Recordings only not opening and shows empty.

                                3 years later

                                I have problem in recording
                                My Calls Recordings shows that ' No records match in this filter creiteria'. But CDR has records. Calls Recordings only not opening and shows empty.

                                  5 months later

                                  I have a similar problem. In my case, some recordings not are stored.
                                  Database not have recordingfile and Asterisk log show mixmonitor working.

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