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Hello, I have been using the netinstall script on an Amazon AWS server and the script works great with a full install. The problem I have is after the script finishes and reboots I can no longer use "sudo su" to get into the root user account.

The first time I login before the install I can use "sudo su" without a password and it lets me right in as root. After the install I get a prompt for a password.

Any ideas why I can't get root access, or ideas on how to fix or prevent this from happening?

6 days later


Did you find a solution for losing root access? I have the same problem using AWS where the script will install but then I can no longer use sudo su to get into root.

a month later

Por favor si puede ayuar a acceder a la administracion web de issabel, instale en googlecloud pero no se como acceder, intente con la ip publica pero no permite

Gracias saludos desde bolivia

jc_quiroz y googlecloud no cuenta con administrador de vpn. por ahí puedes arreglar.

en googlecloud te orientan.

    jc_quiroz Hola yo los tengo en google clou, asegurate que el firewall google tenga permitido el trafico http y https

      manning_jon hi try for ssh use command sudo passwd

      after put a password
      and when finish use command su -
      to elevate to root

      sorry for bad english

        a month later

        thanks, your advice helped me :)

        3 months later
        3 months later

        can I use the same script to install this on Ubuntu server 19.04

          3 months later

          Disculpen, realize la instalacion en VPS Amazon y ningun problema. Ahora quiero saber si puedo acceder a la interfazz virutal de issabel 4 y como lo debo hacer. He estado buscando en el foro pero no encuentro

            Intente realizar eso pero no logro tener acceso de esa manera.

            Al servidor me estoy conectando con windows 10 a traves de putty.(Tuve que generar un certificado en Amazone para eso)

              19 days later

              VictorOvand hi I manage to install in google cloud, all work even can configure my IP phone but my *43 echo test failed. I only have a single side voice. how to solve this?


                Were you able to fix your root access issue? I used the script in CentOS 7 minimal installation in AWS and IsaabelPBX is now working but I've lost root access. sudo su - asks for root password.

                [centos@ip-172-31-29-85 ~]$ sudo su -

                We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System
                Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

                #1) Respect the privacy of others.
                #2) Think before you type.
                #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

                [sudo] password for centos:

                Sorry, try again.

                  create user sudo.
                  in the script document # sudo


                    Thank you for your reply but I don't think I follow your instructions here. Where are you advising to create the user? and how am I going to add a new user without root access? Thanks

                      For anyone having problems with sudo on cloud servers: the netinstall script will overwrite the file /etc/sudoers with a custom one. This is fine for standalone servers, but it is conflictive with cloud instances where that file already exists with custom cloud setups. The solution is to find the original /etc/sudoers file for your cloud server, and restore it back.

                      Then create a new file /etc/sudoers.d/issabel with this content

                      asterisk ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown
                      asterisk ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/service
                      asterisk ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/chkconfig
                      asterisk ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/issabel-helper

                      We fixed this for the next Issabel release, due out shortly.

                      Best regards,