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I want to integrate it with Issabel so that the agents of my call center can communicate together

    to link dowload module messeger.

      3 months later


      wich of them i have to download ? Spark, Openfire....


        3 months later

        Please help to inistall Instant Messaging to issable 2017

          6 months later

          please can someone help with Instance message on issabel 4.. I have install the latest openfire 4.3.2 but there is no plugin for asterisk IM. pls i need help

            11 days later

            dickson thans but this will only get to successfully install openfire and get it running on the dashboard. but how can i integrate it with asteris /issabel and get my xlite softphone send chat messages to other extensions?

            I would greatly appreciate your support for this

            I've never tried that...but I have a few minutes i'm going to try it now see if i can get it working.

            7 days later

            sip working with messages ando depend server software working with xmpp server jabber or jabberd etc.

              dariohimo how were you able to get this working?

              I have tried xlite, jitsi and linphone to no avail. chat is not working on any of them but these are readily working on fusionpbx. pls i need help. thanks

                dickson hello, please where you able to get chat working on issabel? i need help pls

                  2 years later

                  hi all,
                  is there any update about this ?
                  how i can use my chat on microsip ? the status already running

                  Dona H S

                    2 months later

                    I am interested in this too has anyone found out anything?

                      Too all people trying to use xmpp and that install openfire, just wanted to tell you that by default Issabel uses prosody, more lightweight and perfectly capable, and already integrated with issabel user system (not sip peers).
                      The domain is "issabel", the user is the issabel user and the password the issabel user password (again, not the sip credentials, but issabel user credentials). Any user created in issabel will be a possible user for xmpp via prosody and you can use any xmpp client to work with.

                      Now, the default prosody config does not enable xmpp over websokets, you might have a client that requires connection via websocket. If so, then you will need to modify the prosody.cfg.lua file to enable websockets, and possibly add the ssl certificate for it..

                      Enabling websockets is as simple as uncommenting the websocket line from the above mentioned file. Where it reads --"websocket" remove the double dash (signals a comment in lua). And then you might want to add some other directives that might be needed:

                      https_certificate = "/etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem"
                      https_ports = { 5281 };
                      cross_domain_websocket = true;

                      cross_domain_websocket is most probably needed when using a self signed certificate or similar, where the host you use to reach the server does not match the one defined in certificates or on the server itself (the cross_domain_websocket can also be a list of valid/accepted domains, setting it to true is perhaps not good practice, but setting that the right way might be complicated/daunting depending on your network setup).

                      We are exploring the possibility on selecting between issabel user system and sip users for the authentication and roster in xmpp. I am currently actively working on that, but time is short and we are looking for funding so we can dedicate more time to it.

                      2 years later