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  • Issabel Auto Outbound Campaign Not working as per settings

Hi Friends,
I have installed Issabel Call Center 4.0.0-5.
In auto outgoing campaign, while I have uploaded the CSV file, all the calls initiate at a time, though I have set "Max. used channels: 1" as I have only one Agent (Call Back Extension). I have set "call-limit=1" in trunk settings but its not solved my problem. Also I have enabled/disabled the "Enable predictive dialer behavior" but still stuck.

Queue Settings: -------
Dynamic Members: S201,0

How can I solve this? Please help me.

    7 days later

    I have solved this by edit this file: /opt/issabel/dialer/CampaignProcess.class.php

    Below lines are commented that's why its not worked. I have uncomment this lines and it works fine. [You should restart the call center]

    // En Asterisk13 el Originate Response llega tarde, luego de que el llamado termina, no podemos considerar que está pendiente
    // Por ese motivo comentamos por ahora este bloque, para ver cual es el mejor curso de accion en el futuro y evitar
    // colocar llamados cuando hay algunos pendientes todavia.

        if ($iNumLlamadasColocar > 0) {
            // El valor de llamadas predichas no toma en cuenta las llamadas que han
            // sido generadas pero todavía no se recibe su OriginateResponse. Para
            // evitar sobrecolocar mientras las primeras llamadas esperan ser
            // contestadas, se cuentan tales llamadas y se resta.
            $iNumEsperanRespuesta = count($listaLlamadasAgendadas) + $this->_contarLlamadasEsperandoRespuesta($infoCampania['queue']);
            if ($iNumLlamadasColocar > $iNumEsperanRespuesta) {
                $iNumLlamadasColocar -= $iNumEsperanRespuesta;
            } else {
                $iNumLlamadasColocar = 0;


    a year later

    amir_it woow, thank you so much, i was looking any solutions for this problem.

    2 months later
    10 months later
    5 months later


    @amir_it I am trying your solution but it still keeps calling me over and over. when I select the number of channels 1 in the trunk section, it cannot call other numbers because it is busy. selecting 1 in the campaign section does not help anything either.

    Has anyone solved the issue completely?

    Call Center 4.0.0-4
    Asterisk 11


    it's working for me.
    try to restart the server.

    in call center -> configuration
    activate "Enable overcommit of outgoing calls"

    save and restart the server

      a month later

      mgokhan please try my second post. Moreover, you can change your asterisk version by using this command:
      yum erase asterisk11
      yum install asterisk13

        7 months later

        i have same issue with issabel 4 and asterisk 11
        but i can't access this path /opt/issabel/dialer/CampaignProcess.class.php
        how can solve this issue

          22 days later

          We encourage you to take a look at SIP Caller, which has been designed to run outbound call campaigns easily. It can be easily integrated with Issabel. All the best.

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