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  • Issabel 5 iso install issues

Hello everyone,
When attempting to install Issabel5-USB-DVD-x86_64-20240430.iso. I get 2 errors which there is no way to advance past.
error: ../../grub-core/fs/fshelp.c:258:file '/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz' not found.
error: ../../grub-core/loader/i386/efi/linux.c:256:you need to loadthe kernel first

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This is a x86 pc with a blank hard drive formatted as fat32. Any ideas ? I used etcher to create the install media.


    4 days later

    A mi rufus ha dado problemas yo prefiero usar Ventoy asi solo copio la ISO directamente sin modificar y hasta la fecha no e tenido sopresas.

    Rufus has given me problems. I prefer to use Ventoy so I can just copy the ISO directly without modifying it and to date I have had no surprises.

      Thanks guys I am on a linux pc. I tried a few different methods to create the usb media. With the same results as before.

        a month later

        Hello , try to make it with Ventoy software, and then just drop the .iso in the usb media
        If dont works try with Balena Etcher software.

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