Ok i answer myself....if anyone need it.
Dahdi package installed from iso doesn't have driver for hfcpci cards, so
we have to install package from Openvox (thank a lot).
This is the work i did ...
1) Install from usb issabel5-USB-DVD-x86_64-20240430.iso
2) yum install libtool bison-devel ncurses-devel gnutls-devel gcc-c++ libxml2-devel mc rear
3) yum install glibc-langpack-it.x86_64 (only for Italy...)
4) timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Rome (only for Italy)
5) yum update
6) reboot
7) yum update (again)
8) cd /usr/src
9) wget https://www.openvoxtech.com/pub/drivers/dahdi-linux-complete/openvox_dahdi-linux-complete-current.tar.gz
10) tar -xvzf openvox_dahdi-linux-complete-current.tar.gz
11) cd dahdi-linux-complete.openvox
12) make
delete from /usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete.openvox/linux/drivers/dahdi/Kbuild devices that returns errors during compilation, put a # in front of the line.
13) rm -rf /lib/modules/'uname -r'/extra (verify the deletion)
14) make && make install && make install-config
15) reboot
16) dahdi_hardware (you could see your card listed)
17) dahdi_genconf (to generate config for the card)
18) dahdi_cfg -vvvvv (you could see card and span configured)
19) Goto hardware detector under Issabel UI and detect card also if you see it listed.